William's Shop System

Using my shop system, you can add shops to your server that are very easy to configure and customize for any usage.

What makes it very easy to use is that it's 100% controlled ingame.
Adding shops(can be props or NPCs) is made with a command, adding items is done through an ingame menu.
By default, shops can:

  • Sell weapons
  • Sell health
  • Sell armor
  • Spawn entities
  • Sell PointShop points
  • Spawn DarkRP food
  • Sell items into CoffeeInv
  • Sell items into ItemStore

Practically this means that you are able to sell pretty much anything in the game.
For example, spawning an entity means you can sell any entity in the game(from the Q-menu).
This means you can sell ammunition, weapon customizations, car upgrades, drugs, printer stuff and so on.
It's also easy to add your own functions, for advanced items.

Latest updates: None since launch of this page